17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Deacon Mark explains that the feeding of the 5,000 with the loaves and fish was a foreshadowing of the institution of the Eucharist. We can be instruments for the kingdom if we are willing.
16th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Fr. Brian reminds us that the only thing Jesus told his disciples to take on their journey was a walking stick. Jesus is like our walking stick, providing balance and assistance as a companion on our journey.
15th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Fr. Michael explains how this passage gospel passage was the basis for the anointing of the sick. Jesus touches and heals people through this blessing.
14th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Fr. Frank discusses our sister parish in Haiti and how we can be Christ to our sisters and brothers there. Please visit www.outreachtohaiti.org for more information and to make a donation.
12th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Fr. Michael reminds us, that through all our trials and troubles, Jesus is in the boat with us. He never leaves us.
11th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Fr. Michael tells us that everything begins with a smile. God smiled before He created, and when we know God’s love for us, we will smile. That smile is the beginning of evangelization. Let God use you to sew the seeds of Faith, Hope, and Love.
10th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Deacon Dennis shares that Jesus was Kingdom Focused and if we are to be His disciples, we need to Do, Follow, and Act on the will of the Father.
The Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ
Deacon Ben explains that the Eucharist is the Defining Moment of our faith and our lives. The Bread of Heaven gives us the grace to share God’s love with the world.
The Most Holy Trinity
Deacon Dennis explains the flow of love that moves between the God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit and asks us to “go with the flow.”
Pentecost Sunday
Father Michael helps us recall the gifts we are given by the Holy Spirit and asks us to allow the Spirit to guide us in our daily actions.
7th Sunday of Easter
Deacon Mark talks about how God is Love and He shows us that by sending His Spirit to be with us and by giving us the Holy Eucharist.
6th Sunday of Easter
Father Michael reminds us that we are called to be Christ to the world and to each other and that we have the support of the Holy Spirit and the Saints to help us and advocate for us.
5th Sunday of Easter
Deacon Mark reminds us that in our trials, we can sit with Jesus and allow Him to prune away the unnecessary aspects of our lives in order that we can grow and bear the fruits with which we are blessed.
3rd Sunday of Easter
Father Brian explains how in the breaking of the bread, the disciples recognized Jesus and His love for them. We can still recognize Jesus in the Eucharist and feel His love for us today.
2nd Sunday of Easter/Divine Mercy Sunday
Deacon Mark reminds us that Jesus comes down to meet us where we are in order to show us His Divine Mercy.
Easter Sunday
Deacon Ben shares the Good News of the resurrection and reminds us that Jesus Christ is very much alive!
Palm Sunday of the Passion
Father Michael helps us to see that Christ has us deep in His heart and wants us to keep Him in ours; to keep our hearts open to Him.
5th Sunday of Lent
Father Michael tells us that Jesus invites us into the conversation with Martha, but we need to be “plugged in” to God through prayer, the sacraments, and works of mercy to see Christ in our lives. We need to die to ourselves to rise with Christ.
4th Sunday of Lent
Deacon Mark discusses the themes of light and darkness and how our blindness in the darkness of this world is healed by the light of Christ.