5th Sunday of Easter
Deacon Mark reminds us that in our trials, we can sit with Jesus and allow Him to prune away the unnecessary aspects of our lives in order that we can grow and bear the fruits with which we are blessed.
3rd Sunday of Easter
Father Brian explains how in the breaking of the bread, the disciples recognized Jesus and His love for them. We can still recognize Jesus in the Eucharist and feel His love for us today.
2nd Sunday of Easter/Divine Mercy Sunday
Deacon Mark reminds us that Jesus comes down to meet us where we are in order to show us His Divine Mercy.
Easter Sunday
Deacon Ben shares the Good News of the resurrection and reminds us that Jesus Christ is very much alive!
Palm Sunday of the Passion
Father Michael helps us to see that Christ has us deep in His heart and wants us to keep Him in ours; to keep our hearts open to Him.
5th Sunday of Lent
Father Michael tells us that Jesus invites us into the conversation with Martha, but we need to be “plugged in” to God through prayer, the sacraments, and works of mercy to see Christ in our lives. We need to die to ourselves to rise with Christ.
4th Sunday of Lent
Deacon Mark discusses the themes of light and darkness and how our blindness in the darkness of this world is healed by the light of Christ.
3rd Sunday of Lent
Father Michael discusses giving to the Annual Catholic Appeal as being an extension of the Mass and of our welcoming of others into our faith. Jim Payant shares the video from Bishop Cote explaining the appeal.
2nd Sunday of Lent
Father Michael shares that God was willing to sacrifice his beloved Son for us; something that He prevented Abraham from doing. In the transfiguration, we have hope of a life with God in heaven.
1st Sunday of Lent
Father Michael reminds us that God shows us His grace and love through signs in our lives if we are open to seeing His signs.
6th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Deacon Ben explains the depth of agape love that Jesus has for each one of us.
5th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Deacon Mark suggests that we offer our trials and sufferings to God as a way to grow closer to Him.
4th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Father Michael invites us to trust Christ with all aspects of our lives and allow Him to heal us and become our intimate friend.
3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Father Michael shares that Christ wants us first to experience His mercy, and then calls us from the crowd to imitate Him by loving the people we encounter in our world.
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Deacon Ben asks us to consider our calling and how responding to that call will ultimately transform our lives and the lives of those we encounter.
The Epiphany of the Lord
Deacon Mark explains the multiple epiphanies that occurred beginning with the visit of the Magi.
The Holy Family
Deacon Mark discusses the importance of family in our society and to our faith family.
4th Sunday of Advent
Deacon Ben uses classic Christmas tales to show the deeper meaning of Christmas and the deep importance of Christ’s birth.