Decor and Liturgy
Who We Are
We gather together to offer our spiritual gifts, and are always amazed how the Holy Spirit works through our hearts and our hands to bring forth beautiful seasonal décor to add to our Parish's Liturgical celebrations. The Décor team takes its cues from our annual Parish Theme to decide on how to decorate our worship space. Our Liturgical Year is divided up into the seasons of Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, Pentecost, and Ordinary Time.
How We Minister
We work closely with the Liturgy Team and our pastoral staff as an advisory group to discern a Parish Theme for the year based upon the Scripture Readings and pastoral leadership.
All who sit in on the ministry are welcome to offer suggestions or to simply learn more about the church liturgy. We are grateful for anyone with creative ideas, structural talents and even people with just “muscle power” to help put together small and large projects. Also just being a helper with Plants and Flowers is an option since green thumbs are always needed!
Join Us!
We are open to all members of our Parish Community