Bereavement and Compassion Ministries
Bereavement Ministry
How We Minister
Although use of the church hall is free, there is a maximum limit of 3 hours.
The duties of the Bereavement Ministry volunteers may include preparing the coffee and hot water for tea following funerals. We set up the beverage table and dessert tables and wrap plastic silverware in napkins for ease of use. We ensure tablecloths are on all tables and table decorations are placed on each table.
Hot food is kept warm in ovens until ready to serve, and we ensure serving utensils are clean and ready for use. We also set up the food buffet, serve guests, and package leftovers for families. After the the families have left, we ensure the hall is clean and left in good condition.
Who We Are
Upon request, after either a funeral or a memorial service, the Church of the Holy Family offers the use of the church hall to be used for a reception following the service. The Bereavement Ministry members are volunteers who set up the church hall, serve food and beverages which are provided by the family of the deceased, and clean-up after the gathering.
Shepherd’s Care Compassion
Who We Are
To quote Donna MacLeod from Seasons of Hope, "Although each grief journey is unique, kindred feelings flow among those of us who know loss firsthand. When we entrust our grief-stricken selves to our Lord Jesus Christ, the healer of our souls, untold graces unfold". These experiences make it possible for our Church to reach out to the bereaved to walk alongside them with spiritual support.
How We Minister
Let us be the next step forward after our bereavement committee has finished assisting with the funeral, continuing the support, offering a vital lifeline to our community by keeping in touch with notes, checking in with them, and linking them to our parish resources for spiritual stability in a time that is anything but stable.
Our ministry coordinates depending on need: prayer support, meals trains, hope boxes, delivery of prayer shawls made with love by our parishioners, links to spiritual support services within our community, and helps Liturgy with the planning of our parish's annual Remembrance Mass in Early November to honor those lost in the past year.